Jane Williams on the issues
Issues Affecting House District 68
Who we elect in office starts with a vote. In order to eliminate voter suppression laws and make voting accessible for all eligible voters, we need to vote the right people in office. People who believe in the same issues that you believe in: affordable quality healthcare, affordable housing, fair elections, higher paying jobs, education, climate control, public safety, mental health, veterans' healthcare, legalize cannabis, just to name a few. Every vote counts. It's up to you to be the change that you want to see. Therefore, let's work together to repeal SB202 and Stop Voter Suppression.
Every day that we do not expand Medicaid Expansion, we miss out on millions of Federal dollars. Most importantly, Georgians lose out on life saving affordable Heathcare. As your next State Representative, I will support legislation to approve Medicaid Expansion which will provide coverage supporting residents living in House District 68. Everyone deserves a fair chance in life and life begins with good health.
With the rise of mass shootings and relaxed gun laws, more legislation is needed for mental health. We need to close mental health loopholes and support federal funding for expansion of mental health facilities in the cities of District 68. With the passage of SB319, Georgia ranks 36th nationally with some of the weakest gun laws in the country according to Everytown for Gun Safety.
I support the 2nd Amendment. However, we need to strengthen gun safety laws, we need universal background checks, we need stricter red flags laws, and raise the age to purchase a firearm.